الاثنين، 12 ديسمبر 2011

I really care

I really care,therefore you are the first one I rush in the morning to communicate with
 I really care,therefore I try my best to spend maximum time with you
I really care, therefore I find reasons to rush to you
 I really care, therefore I remember all important things about you
I really care, therefore I prepare always for you occasions
I really care, therefore I do my best to understand you
I really care, therefore I explain things to you so you never misunderstand me
I really care, therefore I will do whatever I can to keep you close to me
I really care, therefore I will do anything to make you happy
I really care, therefore write to you even if I do address you directly
I really care, therefore I can not sleep without kissing you good night
I really care, therefore I remember you all the time
I really care, therefore I am writing this to you 

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